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Connect on Zoom

Connect on Zoom

To join our Zoom room, please click the button below.

Connect on Zoom

All our worship services (and Sunday Morning Studies) can be accessed on Zoom. They are also recorded. The Zoom worship space is hosted by a volunteer, so thanks for your patience on those days when it’s not open yet when you log in. 

When you are worshiping with us on Zoom, there will be a moment when the Zoom host shares the names of those on Zoom with the people in the Sanctuary, so we can say Good Morning! 

During prayer time, you are invited to type any prayer concerns or thanksgivings you would like shared with everyone into the chat box. Please keep yourself muted throughout the service, to avoid disrupting the service for others. After the service, you are invited to stay on, as the Zoom computer is transferred to coffee hour, so folks in the building can greet you.

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